
I'm going to need to know your thoughts on Scrubs

Unfortunately he is still very hot, and progressing professionally and socially.

Haha I definitely saw this and was looking for this shirt to make an appearance somewhere in one of the photos, but, I remember it being a thing like 10 years ago and surely joke t shirts have some sort of shelf life

Hmmm maybe but also their music is really good and also I want Ezra Koenig to fuck me until I die

Do tourist t shirt stores still sell those shirts that say "When you see the police WARNA BROTHA" with the WB logo on it? I've also always wanted to own one of those

Also you have to meet my brother Barry

He was on the wrestling team in high school and that song was on their warm up CD

"Because I could just let go but I don't"

I don't like this implication because I bet in ten years whatever the 25 year old me is out there will roll their eyes and think vampy weeks are as lame as I think the chilies are

What do you say, cigarette? One last job? We go rob this guidance counselor of all her t shirts and sweaters and then we're out of the game for good?

Be hotter then

This was a good car seat headrest song

I think ur a contra and I think that you've lied

Ah finally some good kinja news

I kind of really want a CARLY SLAY JEPSEN shirt to wear around


Pro: the security of a life mate

I know it's shitty to compare your progress against someone else's, and the concept of winning and losing a breakup - but- after talking with my ex a little last night I am definitely losing this breakup and it's depressing me.

You're gonna need to spend more than that on my engagement ring, pal

Hell yeah I can finally stalk with no worries