
"The first time I saw Animal Collective live, I hated them. I had always hated them. I am deeply, profoundly allergic to whimsy, and the band’s mixture of woodland creature fetishism and man-child music-critic adulation triggered me toward a sort of blanket disgust for everything the band did. "

he's a hip internet man with THE BEST opinions on what kids call "rap music"

It's a great way to see how obvious a joke is. You rush in with the perfect pun, only to see the same pun 60 times over in the greys

Yeah get ready to purposely misquote a simpsons reference and then get 40 responses all telling you the correct quote because no one else could see the 39 other corrections

[motions that I am all ears]

Shit. I just lost the game.

and she stole my roller skates

alright lets do it

And it's not bad!

y'look alright, I guess


Bangerz really fizzles out in the middle which is a shame. It's 13 songs with about… 4 great ones, and maybe another 3 or 4 good ones… but then bleh, there's some real dull shit on there too.

Wrecking Ball is the perfect song, I could listen to it 100 times on a loop and never get sick of it.

Frog. Box.

Oh yeah, I'm not hating it by any means and its definitely better than They Came Together which drove me nuts. I think the cast they got together for this is too good not to be enjoyable - it just feels like a lot of the comedy has been around the edges and in small moments instead of built into the show itself.

I haven't finished it yet, but, I'm not loving it… I feel bad that I keep picking apart the flaws I see in Showalter/Wain writing together, because I love them, but this series hits too hard in a rhythm they fall in of "Identify a trope. Play it straight. Maybe people will laugh?" without tossing any jokes in.

lol I had grand, detailed plans to fix and improve every corner of my life since march and all I've managed to accomplish was losing 50 pounds by being too depressed to eat and moving so now I'm broke all the time


The wave of happiness I was feeling is starting to fade and I'm concerned sex isn't going to be a permanent anti-depressant

I hated this band