
I suppose I can give an update on this because it just started pouring out so I can't leave the house to buy cigarettes like I wanted to (and I guess that means I'm out of excuses to updating my resume (man fuck this)) so anyway someone stole my laundry detergent - like what the hell, I left it in the basement so it's

yeah that about sums up conversations with me

Squalor Victoria

I saw Daddy Yankees name while trying to find Daddy Issues on Apple Music earlier which is super difficult because there's like three bands called Daddy Issues and they sound almost identical and I think? the one I want is from North Carolina, but I'm not entirely sure anyway this is a real stretch of a segue to tell


I'm murphs ghost… I'm murphs ghost… I'm? Murphs ghost? I'm murphs ghost! I'm murphs ghost. I am murphs ghost. I'm …

I'm sick of you bragging about your abundance of rods and or cones, dammit

I always get from first to last and the starting line confused - I don't remember which one had skrillex in it and I don't remember which one I liked it's been a real long time honestly

Recent Pyramid News?

people saying Cumby's makes me want to puke

for me (A REAL NEW YORKER I YELL YA) it started out as a joke and now I genuinely have to stop myself from pronouncing it bahgel

now they just slice that nasty egg loaf

Jesus christ do they not know portion control with cream/milk, if you ask for "a little" cream you're pretty much getting just coffee milk, I have no idea what happens if you don't limit it with little

Here that's "what the fuck is a Kroger?"

I don't know if bad coffee is even the way to describe their coffee it's like vinegar with coffee grounds thrown in it for color

I was supposed to see them once at a free show, then they cancelled and Mike Doughty just appeared ready to do a show.

You know someone named Carlos Danzig?

we set up a safety net, but it was above our heads

[disappears in a cloud of milk]

yeah season 3 of Lost ruined a lot of things