
Yeah, seriously, a woman should never know pleasure, I tell ya' what

he ascended to heaven as Earth's only example of a perfect human being


blocked, flagged, called the police, bye, I'm writing a stern letter to your mother

sometimes, sometimes

Guys c'mon I'm trying to work

Poor Eugene Cordero got cum all over him again

He was supposed to be a Jay! I've been missing something that was never mine for like 6 years :(

D-backs (the goddamned hyphen is on their uniforms! guh!) is the absolute worst sports nickname

I have a very bad habit of just referring to bands as their front people, especially with a name tossed in there

Once that one gets going and its just all buildup in the second half to that not even musical scream its pretty damn awesome - the album does a lot of shit I like and want out of an album (I guess I just want a Broken Social Scene but Emo album (which I guess just means I should listen to Romance is Boring)) I just

fuck 'em for getting Darvish how many damn aces do they need and how long until he's suddenly on the DL

Some of them land pretty well, I listened to Eulita Terrace a bunch of times after the album was over because the woman's vocal's and lyrics were the right shade of sad and that guitar sound takes a backseat (though its drum fill city)

Very good sprite commercial imho


Wish I could write songs about anything other than death

I listened to it a little bit, and I'll probably give it another go in the future. I really like the vocals and the horns, but it at times reminds me too much of that noodly guitar in American Football style emo that I just can't take.

Lord that's terrifying. All it takes is putting your weight down wrong, or miscounting a step, or a little moisture, or a too hurried pace, seeing a weird bug, ice, simple not paying attention, anything and then slip

Make Everything Ramps

What, are you not looking at deviantart?