
That's still the album to beat for me this year

I'm a sucker for duos, and the sort of "anything goes" attitude they have/had to their music.

I (thankfully, luckily, blessedly, etc, eternally grateful to the universe) get a 25% store discount at the grocery store where I usually buy my beer so I get to try things I'm a little hesitant about with less of an impact.

It's an IPA with Blood Orange juice, it's pretty good if those two descriptors don't make you recoil

The Seaquench and the Flesh & Blood have been pretty reliable summer beers for me this year

Death Magic is end to end fantastic

I still haven't given the album a chance yet, the only song I've heard is Everything Now when it plays on the radio and I haven't really been enjoying it… I don't want to go in to an album anticipating not liking it so I think I'm going to just wait it out and give it a go in a few months.

When nostalgia for the 00s hits, will the Fiery Furnaces have any place in it? Does anyone ever think of the Fiery Furnaces anymore, do they have any sort of legacy is Blueberry Boat still safely in the indie-rock canon? Or did they blow up all of their goodwill with their grandma and never regain it?

Fat Tire at some point became my default "just drinking" beer (as far as widely distributed beers go) and I've actually really liked the beers I've had in their Lips of Faith line

Better to ask who we used to be, people whose professions are no longer a thing. Once I was called travel agent.

We can get Kozelek appointed to some role, plus you know Jack White will throw out a first pitch

White/Corgan 2020

I have the best taste in music also, but also, I listen to the Used a lot the world is a mystery

Yeah but also Ratchet out of nowhere vintage silent alarm sound

I suppose that's fair

thats your answer for everything

aw dammit its not actually a Voidz song, well, point to Adams then

Yeah but, 11th Dimension is fantastic

that's a pretty unimpressive lineup for that price…