
spoiler: I'm going to blow a guy tonight

was it productive

Did you die

I got to play tour guide for my city all weekend for some out of state friends… turns out there really isn't much to do here but drink. But there are plenty of lovely places to do so.

it wears a disguise to look like human guys

I enjoy how much you hate this article

Social disease is why I'm here

I don't give a shit how awful this joke is. None at all.

Cock Cock was a pretty cool band and their album about hilarious broth always makes me happy

The 500 episode was weird for me, I think it's the first time I've ever wanted PFT to go away. Cal Solomon works alright in other episodes but he was just dead air for me in that atmosphere.

I haven't heard it yet (but I subscribed earlier!) but today's CBB is pretty much as good an advertisement for it as possible its absolutely delightful.

Feel how good it feels to feel!


I don't really dislike that much them but they are a little boring a band for how often I have to hear them, I Dare You is at least better than that last one

tho now that I think of it I could stand to not hear the XX's I Dare You every time I'm in the car

It's when you put a scoop of vanilla ice cream on a bomb groove

I think I'm immune to this, or even actively embrace it. If I like a song and it gets played all the time I'm sort of in heaven. It's happening this year with Middle Kids and I'll hear that song play maybe 3 times a day (and that's just in the limited time I'm listening to the radio) and love it every time.

I dunno that April girl may have been a good match

Hmmmm then I've been in shockingly few states.

I'd make a joke, but, the bathroom was so drenched in it that it was being tracked into the restaurant and everything was sticky the moment you walked in. A trip to the bathroom taking place 6 years ago shouldn't be so vivid in my mind still, and yet…