
this isn't about LCD Soundsystem, this is about a band that was actually good in the 00s

I want to say these are very different but I don't really have an argument.

Does driving through a state count as being in a state? What's the threshold there? Does taking a pee in a piss-soaked Arby's count as me having gone to Indiana?

Why is it always Subway that's the one chain allowed to penetrate areas w/ otherwise no chains?

Yeah they've got some undeniable classics in their catalog burn Set Yourself on Fire is probably the best

I hope this is all real

the answer for all things like this is always just "hmm but let me see what Homegoods has"

I'm nice

Eh. He's an easy to read but still "high brow" author that people do actually read. I think its only disproportionate because there's not a lot of others that fit that criteria online?

I like Freedom (mostly… last chunk of it is mostly garbage) and the Corrections is alright, but that descriptor fits every character he fills his books with

no pink lemonade

Yeah but honestly who on earth wants to read a Franzen memoir

I don't know why but I'm delighted by not being the only one that enjoys Pitchfork grades as a sporting event

It sort of depends for me (lord help me I listened to some of Ugly Cherries the other day) but I have no idea what my criteria is.

No argument here, it's their best album (I even kind of really love Blood).

Hey, that album has "Eleanor…" on it and you could have put that song on that Jet album and it would still deserve a BNM

er, not breakup but Alice Glass leaving the band and the fallout from that

I should love them (its grimey synth punk with women screaming at me - how could I not?), and do love a lot of their songs. But I've always held them off because of their breakup being sort of… awful and kind of misogynistic which casts a shadow a little over their work (which shouldn't matter that much, but, I mean

Yeah I for some reason thought it was rare - because its usually how I operate, the album that first blows me away and then indifference to the follow up

hmmm has anyone ever been BNM'd for a second album after a well received first?