
(oh you mean ammo as far as bad reviews, nevermind)

to be fair I think the ammo for people who want to hate the Arcade Fire was all there in Neon Bible

Man I was obsessed with Like a Virgin… when it came out (Hearing Wolves at Night on the radio when nothing else getting play sounded as fun and raw was a minor revelation) but nothing else of theirs ever really hooked me that hard, even if they've still been reliably fun.

While I'll say this is a Bad Opinion, it also doesn't sound like you would have enjoyed the movie with a different score anyway

Lil trump lil trump what I'm scared of the most can you scare me up a lil bit of love

I'm not the biggest fan of it but the title song is unreal how good it is

Ezra Koenig for me always

I just can't take her voice for some reason

Boom Clap may not be the most interesting but fuuuck I love how those drums sound

I wish I could stand Marina at all because it should be 100% for me

3am off her album this year I think is her best nakedly pop song, even if it's probably the least interesting musically she's made

That's your type? a l r i g h t . . .


what… did you answer?

I don't remember if this is Scrubs or Hedberg but it applies to you either way

never go see dr acula

a noble mission

does that make the Thermals butt rock?

California is a state of mind, man, not a state of… state

I've had it as my backup album since it came out, so I've been listening to a lot of stuff but eventually come back to it at some point during the day