
I've been trying to listen to the real album a little more! There's still some of the demos I really prefer over the final ones (definitely 8 Ball - for some reason the polished version sounds awful to me but the demo is so good) but I started digging the fuller sound a lot.

It's catchy as hell and a good song and has the line "don't you look good sucking american dick" in it

I'm loving it and have been finding it easy to just relisten to over and over. But, I'm still unsure which version of it I love the most - the deluxe edition is the whole album in demo form and its excellent.

I think Fear & Force by Vagabon is still my favorite this year

I'm trying to make a playlist of my favorite songs this year and that one is pretty close to the top I fucking love it so much

Yeah its funny what's still relevant and what doesn't work, but man, it's the most engaging Oberst has/had felt in years for me. I saw him recently and for like all of two seconds he broke out the old screamy-bark he used to do so well and it reminded me to check this album out again.

Whole bunch of Lana and Waxahatchee still, also that Desaparecidos album Payola currently

What's so damn frustrating to me is how often, not the original, but the goddamned Trent is Getting Ready song gets stuck in my head (a whole damn lot)


Payola was a pretty slept on album but I think it's the best Conor Oberst had sounded in years City on the Hill was amazing

It seems to just be a list of 60% terrible albums and the rest I dunno taken from asking Drew Magary what his favorite albums are to mix in some basic well liked albums. I think it's point is just to get a reaction - beyond "this is stupid" because it definitely is - but for the people who are acknowledging they're

I have no idea if you are insulting or defending 311


Ha, I don't remember what that was either - someone linked it here once and I thought it was cute but then forgot about it. I just subscribed to the Reductress podcast earlier but haven't given it a listen yet - I hope its good!

#2. getting hit by a bus

I'm not a huge fan of them either but then you look at the comments here and, well, maybe they have their point


Man, I fucking love Reductress.

I saw Superego once with John Hodgman, and that gang was all doing characters (which Hodgman has admitted to not being great at) and you could just see the delight in his face when he realized he had a character he could jump in with

I'm going to keep raging against these! I want a cherry coke, not a coke with cherry syrup in it. Even if that's all a cherry coke is anyway.