
Doctors say you should drink a glass in a half, but… I just can’t drink that much

Right? Like what the fuck

Ugh, I watched this documentary and then the Crumb one back to back one day because I wanted to inflict myself with the most misery possible apparently.

I really liked a lot of that album of covers that got released for him. There's some really interesting songs in his catalog and hearing Oberst or Beck interpret them make them easier to swallow.

I think the shows been getting better for at least the second half of that - Carl Tart and Zeke Nicholson have been really great additions to the show recently, and appear to be sticking around a bit.

That whole show is filled with some unexpectedly amazing performances. I give the edge to my favorite episode being Joe Wengert's incredibly earnest Hans Christian Andersen

The Travel Bug is handsdown the greatest podcast ever recorded and should be sent in to space

Speaking of Little Button Puss… I wish Scott would find wherever Pam Murphy has been hiding and get her back on the show

Chris Tallman is one of my favorites on that show because he also seems happy to completely derail a story to argue with someone about who starred in some forgotten 80s cop movie.

Hah, maybe you're right. I genuinely don't even remember her on that episode. Also from that same episode… has Will Hines ever had a memorable episode? I don't mean that too meanly but he always seems too eager to Yes, And so his characters just sort of disappear

At this point both shows' stables seem pretty purposely segregated, but I would love more Tallman on CBB

I think the Gino character is a good team player, I think Gabrus has a good sense when to back out and let someone else takeover and when to step in because something isn't working so well. At least after the first segment of the show which is usually Gino to the max.

My favorite time this happens is this weird episode where Seth Morris is playing some non-Bob Ducca character and gets detoured from his character's story to talk about the intricacies of Excel spreadsheets. If I remember, Scott tries to get him back on track and Seth just refuses and doubles down on Excel

go to hell

hm, now that you mention it…

I haven't played this but the other day my friend sent me a text of a screenshot from one of the Miiverse messages. It was a crude drawing of Garfield with "CAKE ME DADDY" written over it. Anyway, apples review of Splatoon 2: A+

hellll yeah, does that mean I'm getting a garage? I'm sick of on street parking

My local radio station just played Runaround by the Blues Travelers and then Holland, 1945 by Neutral Milk Hotel

sometimes a dildo is just a dild—wait that's not right

Who among us hasn't!?