
h…how was it?

Wait I know this one! The doctor is a female!

No wait, they definitely just sound like This Bike Is a Pipebomb

Hmm… Dropkick Murphys inspired, maybe a little more into the hardcore side…

Yeah but people cared about that more

I got to make a Stroszek reference and a FLCL reference in the span of 5 minutes I am enjoying myself today

Some of us wear frames without glasses, and, some of us glue oversized eyebrows over our inadequate ones. We all deal in our own ways.

Woooo heeee woooo heee ah ah ah ah

Ah! And not just the typical random people that show up and are gross! Actual people here everyday!

How is it every week here someone manages to get a different one of these songs stuck in my head?


But I thought he was as ton mar tin music music

I'm willing to just accept that. I LOVED her self-titled and just enjoyed Lemonade

Hey I will say that's one of my all time favorite album titles

Well if we would just work together!

I mean they do play a lot of madonna but I don't think I've been told to analyze this while I'm there

We just legalized ride sharing apps so… kind of?

It's really weird that I have to wonder if it's intentional or something. So often I'll be there and a Robyn song will be playing but look there's jack White playing that dopey song in the desert.

The bar I go to plays music videos all the time but never for the music that's actually playing and I swear 80% of the time it's the video for the Jack White James Bond song so I have no idea what that's about