
I mean all of Building Nothing almost (workin on leavin the livin, grey ice water), Bankrupt on selling, polar opposites (its not depressing sounding but its lyrics are sadly relatable)

I would've missed Paper Lace without it though because I was so put off by Beast Moans

I saw Wolves in the Throneroom immediately after Angel Olsen once and it was a real weird bit of whiplash

I think part of why I loved that first album so much at the time is because it sounded like Isaac Brock presents: Wolf Parade but it holds up incredibly well

I have several, and many of them are dorky as shit but I am very concerned getting a wolf on my body would make me a bad person

hmm… simple lined drawing of a wolf holding a baton w/ a flag on it would be a cool tattoo… maybe outline of wolves behind them but shaded out to imply a parade… could I live with myself if I had a wolf tattoo?

It took a while but I eventually came around to Expo 86… I remember buying it on vinyl the day it came out after the intense love I had for those two first albums and hearing it and saying "oh, ok, that was an album I guess". I don't love it but also can't hate anything with a song as good as Ghost Pressure on it.

I agree with everything here 100%. Heartbreaking Bravery is so, so fucking good (and so is Dragonslayer). But I'll always be a Boeckner man overall.

to be fair I put on Call the Police when it first was released and I think it's still blandly playing in the background

to be fair the EP/demo/whatever collection released with the re-release of Apologies have some real amazing songs tucked in there!


I am so happy I could melt into the floor holy shit a new Wolf Parade album, holy shit its only a few months away, holy shit there is a song called King of Piss and Paper, holy shit Valley Boy is good, holy shit the EP4 was pretty good, holy shit Apologies was one of my favorite albums ever and holy shit honestly At

Jason, have you ever put out a cigar on Gilbert Gottfried's neck? Because I have, and his screams were the worst thing I'd ever heard … until tonight. Congratulations, you're a disgrace.

some day I'll stop bragging about seeing them (did I mention it was their first ever show in America! or that I introduced a very nervous teenager to Georgia as if I knew anybody! or that .kjglkjlrjglgjlfdjgldj) but holy shit that last bit, being surrounded by people yelling along to "don't wanna see you for a couple

this is the best news I could have read all day, the song is pretty good too! holy shit! a new full Wolf Parade album is just a few months away!

haha I gotcha. If it's any personal consolation while I enjoy her there's about 200 bands that fit her style I would listen to instead


They actually don't make me sad, in general. There's one specific line about listening to Tiger's Jaw that always stings me but that's more personal issue than music issue. But she tends to (for me) pull off writing about sad shit without sounding like it's the end of the world. Like even Charlie is kind of … more

Yeah they're incredible. The new song they played when I saw them sounded pretty good too (and hopefully it means there's new stuff coming)

I gave it a listen this morning while I was getting ready.. I have a weird issue with it as an album, but not track by track. I think each song sounds pretty good, but when they're all stacked together it sounds like a b-side collection of songs that are meant to follow bolder songs. It needs one or two more songs