
yah but if you're going to embrace any of it, might as well go with the best at it right now (apologies to Angel Olsen)

I missed out on Why? completely

its dumb non-essential fun with some great nonsense lyrics, weird line deliveries and fun grooves… I actually like it a lot

If I can make it through it without wanting to die, anyone can.

There's just something missing on Capacity to make me really like it. I liked Masterpiece a lot, but Capacity seems so… relaxed? At least musically, I know lyrically its not at all. There's some really good songs on it though, especially towards the end (Mary and Mythological Beauty)

look at this post of yours that I cannot reply to. I hate it.

That Camera Obscura album is like the musical equivalent to a pleasant, aimless, and hot as hell summer day. I don't think I could name a single song off of it except the first one, but I used to listen to it so much while laying in the grass at a park and reading the same page of a book over and over. It's hard to

Lots, and lots, and lots of Waxahatchee. Relistening to all of her albums after enjoying Out in the Storm so much, especially the demo version of the album which sounds incredible. I think it's a huge improvement over Ivy Tripp (which is fine it just doesn't really grab me as an album). Cerulean salt is still her best

That movie scared the hell out of me at the time, I don't think it would work a second time though.

Man, Rejoice is amazing

Everyone loves a good mystery!

Well of course he's a bigger deal, according to Wikipedia he won the 2013 MTVu Woodie of the Year award

Sorry I did not want to just say "you are from cleveland and so is he" because that seemed rude and now at this point it feels very "that tree is far away"


But also don't be a homer

My whole life is a lie.

Julien Baker is a lovely singer-songwriter that makes pretty stark and depressingly personal songs.

Honestly makes more sense. The whiplash of going from single woman on guitar singing about her friends dying to AINT IT FUN just hurts my head.

In truth, you start to think about death and getting sad then you listen to her music so you can pretend you're not so alone for a moment :)

Wow, Baker opening for Paramore seems like a mistake.