

Mike Skinner?

I saw a trailer over the weekend for some terrible looking movie that looked like it was "what if 8 mile but Rebel Wilson?" (wasnt actually Rebel Wilson) but I've forgotten what it was and there's barely any connection to your post here


why are you sorry

what if bong but ladder?

Well, this shitty article is still the only shitty article up and I'm bored so let me just let you know I appreciate how weirdly nerdy and esoteric this response is given the context

Whoops just realized Peter Cullen and Steve Blum are different people

This is a Very Good Question

She wouldn't use a public bathroom

Gabrus looks good lately

I never saw Robotech is it the same thing as Macross because it sounds like Macross (or at least that movie I used to see all the time when I was 14) that had the weird singer for some reason also

Hurry up with his damn croissants

shit, if only I could

Sloppiness is my guiding adjective in life

Congrats on that, nothing makes my skin crawl like a long silence when I'm out with someone or friends. I feel like I'm letting everyone down when it happens.

I can 100% relate to this. in my mind I can talk, and talk about a subject. But once I'm done talking about it…… just nothing, until who ever I am with brings up something new.

HDTGM audiences are somehow worse/more cultish sounding than DLM audiences. It really sours me on listening to any new episodes


I mean, I guess genuine question? Do you find yourself… not interesting to talk to while wearing a harness?