
Congrats on getting it and now being (scientifically) 60% hotter - where'd you end up getting it?

AN IDEAL APPLES WEEKEND I had a lovely date on friday that ended in being naked and watching netflix and spent saturday drinking outside with a dog that I took about 600 selfies with


Agree with all of this, it's so deeply lodged in my brain and its almost inexplicable


overly intense videos of Otamatone covers are still the shit, screw off inferior kazoos

It's weird how often I think of the Clerks TAS scene of this

eh, the world is great and everything is good :)

In a sense, yeah

I fucking love that movie

the male is completely egocentric, trapped inside himself, incapable of empathizing or identifying with others, or love, friendship, affection of tenderness. He is a completely isolated unit, incapable of rapport with anyone.

hmmm Gosling with a bandage on his nose is really doing it for me… what's that about

In that context I mean yeah he's the most likely to shut up, but I could also see him being just so concerned that he wasn't bothering me that he would bother the shit out of me I dunno I came around halfway through this post fuck Luke I don't want to be on an airplane with him

"They are all irritating as shit,"


Maybe we can move a few hours of it to the radio, but even then there's so much it might wear you out

Yeah but that scarf


Well I think once your hair reaches a certain length then the middle part isn't inexcusable

I regret to admit I'm not following