
movie has a cool soundtrack too

no one can survive a middle part

I have a date tonight I will be sure to ask him his thoughts on Babe

They changed their name, silly, when the uh singer … died

Can confirm. I suck. And also wanted to be an astronaut. Fuck.

There's nothing I love that I need someone else to love, but, I mean Babe might be close to it, but, that may be more just not wanting to know the heartless monster that could dislike Babe.

Fuck this article.


If its ok to think less of people that like things? Yeah of course that's fine.

The Jays are a totem imbued with the essence of an inferiority complex, with extreme polite mediocrity willed into the world through magic to be a baseball team, so, a manager leaving them to go to his "dream job" of the Red Sox hurt our feelings in a way we fans can never really articulate

Well maybe she was aware of this and she named her son Sir, the generic greeting for all men, to show how meaningless he is in this world

I'll always resent him for leaving the Jays to the Red Sox even if honestly I had no real love for him as a Jay

Is John Farrell at least healthy again so I can continue (justifiably) hating him?

I have a real, borderline irrational hatred towards him and I have no idea why.

It's very easy, but, even if I know it well if you just asked me to solve it out of the blue I would stumble for a few minutes before I remember the solution. Not sure why

oh then that I can explain - its a riddle on how to cross a river with three items that each combine in their own way to be destructive to the other while only being able to carry two at a time https://en.wikipedia.org/wi…

I think so? I don't really remember honestly other than it involving Maggie

the other day I responded to one of the most obvious and overquoted simpsons lines used on this website with "explain" and got shit for not knowing simpsons quotes and it was weird

this is the best take on this website ever

people here regularly refer to the fox/goose boat riddle in Simpsons terms and it confuses me a lot