
people just want to share their worlds with you :)

There's this white cardboard thing up on my wall at work that I think was packaging for a glass or something someone gave me, anyway, it has a hole in the middle of it so I drew a ovalish circle around it and colored it in green and then stuck a red sticky note behind the hole with a green sticky note on the other

I'm going to invalidate the worth of any future opinion I share here, but, the revival is the first time I've liked any scene that wasn't the riffing in MST3K, and, I find the movie riffing fun enough

I'm a classic oversharer

I recently learned I've been in "low picture quality" mode for all my texts which may explain so much

Yeah but the downside to that is everyone then just assumes (usually correctly in my experience) that you're cheating on your partner

This is only like 40% a joke but I pretty much poop exclusively at work these days

I was also 100% not joking for that same reason tho at least the newer ios only sends thumbnails of picture texts now (not that I've gotten a nude in a few weeks… )

One time I was not having a very good, uh, butt day, and was in there long enough for the light sensor to kick in and turn off the lights and it may be one of my lowest points

the weird owl-human reminds me of this artist Kathleen Lolley I used to follow (who did album art for MMJ and some other band I liked) but now I can't seem to find any of her work from those days

I'll have nothing to read while I poop and what if someone texts me a nude while it's in plain sight of everyone?? [kills self]

the v comes to a point

I mean, he most certainly would

are you…. Albanian?

As both gay and Italian I've been told watching my hands during conversations is exhausting

I'm starting to think anime is not the place to learn about cultures

It's a really, really dumb show I remember loving when I was 12. I wonder if I would still enjoy it

Sure! It's been a long time since I've seen it but iirc all the countries on earth are in a tournament for some reason with their Gundams and each one represents their country… Holland is a robotic windmill (this is one of my favorite things), Canada is a lumberjack, Japan is God, Mexico is a sombrero I believe

If they were to ever do a National Stereotype Week it would be a great opportunity to have someone look in to G Gundam and let me know what the fuck was going on there because I can't tell if it's inoffensively racist or weirdly charming (or both? I dunno)

But I'm fat, lazy, and grumpy every week