
oh good I love a broad joke

it's a decent movie completely ruined and retroactively made unwatchable by tying its climax to a smash mouth concert

Ok! I will take your advice and wait patiently :)

don't respond to this dude just let his shitty attempts at trolling sit unnoticed and unliked

o h w e l l . . .

well hopefully someone is kind enough to explain it to me

holy shit this isn't a joke…

the way this is worded makes me afraid that there's been several Johnny English movies made since



This is I guess how Local H fans feel when I'm surprised that dumb band with that dumb song has fans

Plus Old Hat is one of the best songs

Except maybe Carlotta Valdez? I mean nothing wrong overall with the song but it's dumb

Woah woah what no sorry that song and album are everything

I internet time traveled today and rediscovered an old article about how Katy Perry was making homophobia cool again. It includes how "UR so Gay" is somehow acceptable but a song called "UR so Korean" would be a hate crime. Secretly I've always, always wanted to hear what "UR so Korean" would sound like.

Katy Perry songs


Eh that's fair. I hate the baker in general so no one would have made me happy there. And I guess there's probably no way to make red riding hood not obnoxious so that's a wash too… and no one can replace Bernadette so… alright fine I'm just being a grump

I fantasy cast her in a different movie of Into the Woods that doesn't have most of the other actors in it, well I guess that's the opposite

Nothing is technically anything we think it is and our shared delusion is what binds us as a society!