
cancel the Lena Dunham dog hot takes! We got squirrel girl news!

I like it in this article where it states how high profile the casting for this role was, with Kendrick and uh.. that girl who is more famous for the screen time she doesn't have in a tv show

I appreciate it

The loveable lads from Liverpool?

I'm glad this story didn't end with like you swallowing the toothpick I had anxiety reading it even if it was prefaced with "hardest I've laughed"

a Drifblim its beautiful

I judge tattoos a lot but usually if they're just super generic

I stayed, I mean, it was all happening right at that moment and I didn't see my artist in the original article so I felt alright. I think a lot of the real lasting issue was the parlor's just out-of-reality first response to the article where they seemed to acknowledge the people that worked there were allowed to be

ACTUALLY I CHEATED and I got it Thursday afternoon but I wasn't working so I count it as the weekend. And its a pokemon tattoo so I mean… 'pretty cool' is being used very generously

some day I will find you - it will be a years long journey, and I'll fit myself into your life without you ever knowing its your pal apples, and you will invite me to a cool hang-out with your friends and I will offer to make some manhattans with this really fancy rye I brought with me (because I am your cool new

I do get to vote. and I vote that olives taste good.

no this is madness do not put the cherry syrup in there

I'm gonna be a bummer one last time and then I dunno, chill the fuck out or something. Turned 30 on friday, that was a nightmare. Saturday I got dicked over by someone for the 5th time of trying to make plans. Weighed myself… down almost 50 pounds since March which seems real bad.

Are you interested in things?

Phoebe lifts right out

tracing someone else's idea of happiness is the only way to feel happy but its empty like a stencil

magic isn't real and neither are friends

w/e all love fades and then happiness goes black and then you still have to go on living for a while too who gives a fuck what nuggets of joy people manage to claw out of the dirt

And yesterday is weaving in and out…

Is this account some sort of Chris Onstad talking-in-character project to get the juices flowing again?