
im in the hov lane im in the hov lane

you have something in common with your pal apples and that's pretty cool in 2017

I think 00-04 works (in my head 05 is when we go from nyc to montreal but this might be nonsense) but I think I still go with the Liars album even if it might not be the most representative of the sound

but its only 4 minutes as it is

this is bold

I used to sing Marry, Me in the car all the time to a man named John and now her very existence is a dagger to my heart :)

gotdang whole system is corrupt

nothing from before I was born counts

yeah to all of that

Interpol has the better albums, but, Strokes might be the better band if only because no one from the Strokes ever released an album called Everybody on My Dick Like They Supposed to Be

I can't listen to St. Vincent anymore :(

SHIT FUCK DAMMIT and an actual Schenectady line too

It's a very sad city worthy of songs I agree

that album is good and it is better than Is This It

best I got is TMBG's song about the Egg

I'm trying to think of an actual new york song not involving nyc or li

its like new jork city is on bass lmao

It is good to remember that the universe is terrifying, and full of not just evil but things that do not know that they are evil and may not be but are nonetheless capable of harm, and that everything that happens to us may point to some sort of reasoning life will in our final moments ultimately be meaningless, but

avclub is mostly a reposted gizmodo article gimmick account now