
this seems like a safe place for this opinion because it will just be ignored but,

true, that mall is mostly bars and bowling alleys at this point

guys…. please…

[ears perk up]

I have a plush of 'em on the drawer by my bed and I'm not sure if its comforting or adding to my stress

I had a dream the mall caught fire last night, but, it probably doesn't mean anything

Yeah I don't get it, that album is so damn bad somehow. They're an overly melodramatic band anyway but somehow on that album (especially coming off of an A+ album) it just did nothing, first time I heard Barricade I remember laughing at how hard he was trying to emote

yeah they're rough - I like alt-radio and I think where I am we have the best station (even if they still torture my by playing 311), but bru will play all sort of alt garbage like yeah a lot of twentyone pilots

I weirdly just got a text from my friend in providence complaining that bru is being sold even though she doesnt really like them

no joke I thought that was a Stars song called Hum for years

I'm back in a mood so naturally I remembered Stars exist and I'm torturing myself with their albums… in my head they stopped being very good after set yourself on fire but there's some pretty great songs on the North and No One is Lost

well it starts some time around midnight or at least that's when you lose yourself for a minute or two

Haha looks like once again its childless apples that wins! no kids tying me down, free to enjoy my summ—oh wait neither am I

prolly enjoying his summer with… uh I think his kid(s)?

this isn't going to work

in real life I am just as earnest but people assume it is some next-level irony and find me cold and unlovable until something embarrassing happens to me and then they say "you looked human" I dunno why I typed that out but fuck people imho


I read a really, really long article about it - I don't know why, I'm neither a teenage girl nor the parent of one. But it was so wholesome and benign and I just think maybe my heart needed to read it.

Yeah but weirdly they had the name first and then built a company around it

slime is so in right now