
it's gonna result in a pretty sweet new Bond movie eventually tho

If you're afraid to die then so am I

man, I read the few comments on this article - I was done, no need to click that blue "one new message" thing but I did and SIR…

hi, this is actually very cool and I like you

NO. NO NO NO NO. ok just that one but the REST

Did I miss any ass play?

I would watch and very much enjoy a movie of Plaza, Rodriguez and Dushku
scowling at action sequences

one day work week next week woo



On the plus side that may be the first dude who actually read a grindr profile

26 of them!

As a perfectly witty gay man and one that struggles to pair music with the horror that is cardio, let me recommend Kate Bush's the Hounds of Love as a perfect album to work out/die to

why is good apollo burning stars, aren't stars already burning?

I demand a Sgt Hatred mov—actually, nah

it's all of our weakness, it just makes us feel warm - warm like we haven't felt in a while.

Me too! Probably some sort of combination of not giving a shit confidence and "well I don't want to go back to work at the bank" desperation

that z motion feels hella good tho

It has some good stuff going for it but its just so aimless and rushed feeling, like they had a half hour movie planned out and then stuck a 6 hour song in the middle of it so they could make some topical references and pad it out

imagine an email going out to agencies looking for ugly children, and, imagine you're that agent and say "hmm have I got an ugly child for this"