
Hah, you and I have almost exact opposite views on it. I fucking love Green Light but I think the album hits a brief lull (of enjoyable songs granted) and then the album really takes off with Liability and is perfect from there out.

♫♪ my name is Luka

Brand New is very good

Is Mom the new band name trend? I've been listening a little to two (new to me) bands: Adult Mom and Cyberbully Mom Club

She's very good in general at repeating lines over and over until they sting

oh, well, then cautious worry turned to full excitement again

I go back and forth on Painted Shut and Get Disowned for which one I love more. Painted Shut gets the advantage for being what introduced me to her and it has Sister Cities and Waitress and Well Dressed Man… but… No Good Al Joad fucking kills

Fuck I love Hop Along. I remember hearing Waitress for the first time on the radio in my car and just being in awe that I was hearing it (it doesn't take much to impress me sometimes). But couldn't figure out what it was and listened to the radio intently for like a month waiting to hear it again.

I might be a lunatic, the Louvre seems to be the one song off Melodrama that I'm not in love with. Maybe I'm just missing a connection with it, or missing its intent but it just sort of rolls through and ends (though the line that gives it its title cracks me up every time).

Honestly would be more listenable

Couldn't be any worse than Banks & Steelz

your lawns full'a bees, old man, no one wants to be here anyway

yeah but this is why you wear shirts with things on them!

yeah this is strange people actually go through life on Oldest First?

yeah but then everyone will know you're going out of your way to feature women geniuses, isn't that just as bad??

or the people walking slow across traffic and acknowledge the car is coming so they do that thing where they go through the motion of running but they're still moving as slow as they were before

the human condition

fuck people who should not be sending you drunk texts saying they miss you, doing that
