
lol wut is this game of thrones week?

This is dumb

seeing someone from Chicago complain that an artist or band is not stopping by on this particular tour makes me…. well not angry, but, like that fake internet angry

to be fair, I believe she also is

This is probably a senseless comparison but I'd just rather listen to the Field Mice most times

but when will they end, when

It's 2017 I think I'm finally ready to admit this: outside of Hatful of Hollow and some stray songs, I just don't love the Smiths all that much.

hmm my therapist works with his wife, when I go there today I'm going to have to wonder if he and her have ever

oh, well, I dunno, people are lonely?

I better ace that interview, I better ace that interview, I should've told 'em I'm not afraid to die, I better ace that interview

yeah he's probably got some money

is this like dudes on tumblr who are completely average looking that amass this weird devoted fanbase of people who buy them underwear?

that's because you've got too many damn throw pillows

all couches are sex couches

I spend a lot of time before I see people worrying about the worst parts of me - that I tend to disappear into the background in groups, that my default face seems to be boredom, that I am boring (I am!), that I haven't done anything interesting since I last saw people and won't have any fun anecdotes to tell and then

It's that kinky

I think I'm likeable, in a sense - in that I know people like being around me. But, overall? Eh. I make bad impressions, can't small talk for the life of me, am no good in a group and when people get to know the real me I'm weird and obnoxious and that works for some people which I think makes me likeable in the end.

genuinely didn't expect to grab anyone with this one