
Dad, no

fuckin 90k? I play this shit daily too and my highest is 13k

huh ok

lol what is game of thrones

More like… expunge, bob

Unfairly maligned band - Doughty is a douche who has done a lot of work to sully the original band's work with his incredibly dull solo work and unfortunate reworking of the band's early songs, plus, the reputation of them being Not-Cake or Not-Beck has hurt. But the grooves on those first two albums are pretty

what happens to those "SLOW CHILDREN PLAYING" or "SLOW DEAF CHILD" street signs once those children grow up and leave the neighborhood? Do they stay up forever?

"Wow! This battle is amazing! And so expensive looking! Good thing we can see it"

two awful flavors together, like a nightmare Reese's

hey man I wasn't "with it" or "hip" I just wanted to hear the non-threatening emo of Anberlin

when I was young on the internet some dumb turds tried to convince me Five Iron Frenzy was a good band and I think I believed them for a month

I used to accidentally listen to a bunch of Christian bands when I was a teen because Tooth & Nail records tricked me

Up until the last sentence I was still terribly confused, but, thank you



I dunno most of the ones I've seen lately haven't been that special

apples fact: a bear wearing a poorly fitting arcade fire shirt is 100% my type, if anyone applies please let me know

I'm wearing these really unflattering dress pants right now that are bunching up at my crotch when I sit so it looks exactly like I'm pitching a tent and I keep trying to push it down which I realize makes it look even worse

Have a good night!

our bodies will continue to wear down, further moving the goal posts for what a good nights sleep is - I slept 8 hours, I slept 7 hours, I only had to pee once, I only realized how large an empty bed is alone twice, I didn't wake up in fear, I did not die in my sleep - I had a good nights sleep