
Don't worry, his excuse was that he was up late watching a Diamondbacks game. They played the Padres last night. Honestly, he should've just lied instead of admitting he watched a Padres game.

ugh thank god its been a long day

hmm, my wheelhouse is indie rock, and that's all so incestuous I would be hesitant to call much of the weird combinations supergroups… the New Pornos is the go-to answer, and if it weren't for some Destroyer albums I would feel more confident in calling them better than the sum of their parts.

I don't know if I am going to be really happy or sad if y'all finally fix Morrow but I'm happy he's back

I was thinking "old classic rock dudes that bore me" so… yeah I was thinking Clapton too

Unless your theme is just that no super group is better than their original parts, then I will withdraw it

Enjoyment may vary (I like it a lot), but, it is at the very least a supergroup of people who seem to be playing together for a reason

Wild Flag, theme broken

Haha, I love me an emo voice

that's hard, something that is just pure comedy crack all throughout….

I love it for some reason, its so unbearable until the joke becomes clear and then it gets weird and hilarious

I should've thrown in vocal delivery first, you're right on that. Someone like Fiona Apple is the total package for me because she hits what I need lyrically and in her performance. Something like, say Ouch My Face, has dumb as shit lyrics about punching giants in the face but her voice and how its recorded can sell

yeah, well

Semi-related, I listen to the entirety of "An Attempt to tip the scales" every time it comes on shuffle, like I refuse to let it beat me and I think it is detrimental to my health overall.

I too often crack up at some pure comedy

shouldn't've ate 'em in the first place

well, well, well

Ahhh we come at it completely opposite then. Lyrics first, sound of the drums second, then melody/whatever else for me.

Last time I saw them they played a healthy mix of some real old material in their set (and both times I saw them they kind of threw old songs into the bridges of newer songs which was kind of cool).

Do you have a stomach for old twee at all? The Field Mice (especially the re-released version of Snowball) is one of my go-to "I want to wallow in sadness" albums.