
today we're all cigarettes

I had a friend of a friend who told me women couldn't rock like a man could so I remember I played him "the Fox" because that's fucking stupid and he stopped me to tell me "yeah but that's the guitars that are rocking she's just trying to keep up"

I'm on full time Wilco crunch duty to prepare - looks like they're going to play Being There in full so I have to memorize it

I've actually always wanted to do something like this. I've always loved Tracy Bonham and Harvey Danger's albums that made their big, sole singles so I always figure there's got to be good in some of those other albums. Like, for all I know Marcy Playground is the shit.

send help, "Bad Liar" is too easy to listen to on a loop for an hour

I keep getting a bizarre (Sandy) Alex G ad that's just a negative facebook review and I'm kind of in to it

I'm sure all of Britain wakes up in the morning and asks why Stipe doesn't call anymore

I don't know, Kozelek just seems like a dumb cranky old man and even at his worst comes off as harmless…… granted, I haven't really been a fan of this second (third?) act of his musically, so maybe I'm down on him too.

That's when you listen to Midnight Organ Fight super loud so no one can hear you sobbing

This song and this video are amazing

I think I skipped it because if I recall the review here just said it was a dumber version of Moon

Everytime I think of Zendaya I think of Sanjaya and then specifically the hushed whisper of his name on the Soup

I think I want to marry this post

Same - "This Tornado Loves You" feels like a missed opportunity (not that I know what it would replace)

We matched on 2!

I put some thought into this! It's, as always, more modern than it should be and exposes my biases, and also I am so sorry for putting two modest mouse songs in:

Still waiting to hear back about a job that I really need, the guy I was seeing and seemed to be clicking strangely well has sort of iced me out, had a truly atrocious/disgusting sexual encounter last night… there's nothing good

For an inexplicable song written by straight guys, "Michael" is still a real hot song

[grits teeth]

I'm not mad. Just disappointed.