
bfred - you said it's "almost impossible" for print outlets to start charging "unless everyone starts charging."

Totally off-topic, but can someone tell me what font AV Club stories are displayed in?

Totally off-topic, but can someone tell me what font AV Club stories are displayed in?

"Starting with the genuinely spooky
image of Soviet paratroopers cascading onto an open field behind a
Spokane high school, Milius’ film thoroughly imagines an American city
transformed by invasion and occupation, which raises the stakes for the
plucky young guerrilla warriors who lead a rebellion from the mountains."

"Starting with the genuinely spooky
image of Soviet paratroopers cascading onto an open field behind a
Spokane high school, Milius’ film thoroughly imagines an American city
transformed by invasion and occupation, which raises the stakes for the
plucky young guerrilla warriors who lead a rebellion from the mountains."