The Spice Weasel

The end of Blazing Saddles.

"Where ya headed cowboy?"

True, but they also only had 13 minutes. Most stories like this focus on the romanticism of saying "fuck it" and just walking away. They paint a picture of it as an extended vacation with nothing but down time because that's what people want to see. News outlets like Yahoo and BBC like to grab travel bloggers and

If he spent three years honing his photography chops which eventually led to him getting a gig shooting for the UN, then yes, I'd say that it was something of value.

Would ya just taste the soup.

It is possible to simultaneously agree with someone and be annoyed by them.

When I saw the first new Star Trek, I initially enjoyed it. But as I marinated on it, things about it started to annoy me. I tried watching it again, and I just couldn't get through it.

More or less fanservice than JJ's Star Trek flicks?

Learning all kinds of new shit today. Thanks.

Did you have to pixelate the header image? This isn't Japanese porn.

"He said I'd make a crackerjack clerk….crackerjack."

Not sure how I made it this long without ever seeing the term save-scum especially considering that I am a save-scummer extraordinaire.

And Futurama reference, so, three things.

Upvoted for shitbrisket.

Beautiful, isn't it?

Roadies: Demanding BJ's for tour bus access since 1956.

That would make a little bit of sense because no matter when you watch that one it is the wrong time.

Miracle on 34th Street, in January. Timely.

Of course.

Why not go for the gusto and combine them? That screams class.