
I feel like Detox isn't all that talented - she isn't very funny, she can't act, she only sporadically has a good look..

Phi Phi has no class. You eliminate someone, and then you shut up about it - especially if someone else is visibly upset about that person leaving.

You keep floating, don't you dare not float!

No, they didn't. They couldn't - attacking Trump too fervently would've meant alienating a large group of potential voters.

He's good television. The media were kissing his arse long before he gathered voter momentum.

Snopes actually presents more information than your two links (while largely using the same sources, btw). They posit that it is true that a birther movement caught on steam through zealous Hillary supporters, but the idea was basically started by conservative bloggers. In the end, it basically means that nobody

bacon on lark

Buuut.. what if… we put bacon… on potassium benzoate..?

Put a bacon on it!

Ha ha, bacon!!!

Teaching him common human decency should do the trick.

Whichever Susan you end up using, please make sure to combine over rocks.

Oh Jesus Chriiiist don't give them any ideas!

Yes, yes, you're on the right bacon.

What is this.. AV Club you speak off..?

"..or cut off Sean O'Neal's.." did not go where I thought it would go.

Just one of those pictures would've done the trick.

But don't you see, Sexy Duck Cop, this whole "talking about bacon on the internet" thing could really take off in a big, big way!!

Good work on jumping on that five year old bacon craze, AV Club.

"For those who haven’t been rocking with the art"