
Which should tell you something about how truly fucking awful Chris Hardwick is.

You're ridiculously wrong.

I know what it is.. still a shit name for a section.


I completely agree on the waste of it. Here's the thing - I'm a vegetarian, which is a purely personal choice, and I'll never ever bother anyone else with that choice. If you want to eat meat, go ahead (I even feel dumb for actually typing that, as if it's some kind of accomplishment on my part..). But when I see a

I think it's annoying because it was interesting to me to see Lindsay lose control - Paul denying her what she wants. Although you could argue that she still has lost control, locking herself into this relationship.

The cartoonishness is inconsistent. The most important storyline of season 2 is Gretchen's depression - which was handled in a decidedly un-cartoonish manner. You can understand how that would create a certain baseline of non-cartoonish expectation, which when then abandoned at a whim, will annoy a (perhaps) large

My problem with season 2's depression storyline was that it felt like mistaking a serious mental illness for showing character development.

You're the reason we can't have good television.

You're the worst.

It might not just be that your palate has changed - the actual taste of brussels sprouts has changed, over the years. Growers have spent the last twenty years or so breeding out most of the bitterness that used to be integral to sprouts. They are now much sweeter and milder in taste then when you were younger.

If you really want me to hate this new Supper Club venture, this is the way to go about it.

I read that as "3 dropped molars". Sounds about right.

What is happening to this place..?

Dropped ice cone on the street. Aww.

The AV Club's brand new, akwardly named Amuse Your Bouche feature does! (Why not Sniff My Bouche?)

Acquire soup? Assimilate soup?


Yeah, the review reads a bit like the blame is being laid on Paul, while Lindsay in her very essence is a fucking horrible person.

But.. the characters in the new Ghostbusters are different characters. How is that comparable to changing Ripley's gender?