Horrible Nameless One

Slunt, huh? I see what you did, there.

Wow. You are going to get a lot of mileage out of these, uh, people, Sean. Keep up the hard-hitting reporting. Also, screw these attention-whores. See? I'm already torn. I know what they want, and I know how to kill them (by ignoring them, but silver bullets will probably work, too), but they're winning the war right

The Apocommentlypse is upon us…

Know what I hate about these boards?
Never any controversy.

We thought you'd look better in pink. Welcome aboard!

Bye, kitten!

Ha ha. You have feelings.

Tonight, on a very special Av Club…


So, we're still doing this thing, then? I thought maybe all the whining from the people who can't log in at work and the unrepentant trolls would somehow sway the frozen hears of the AV Clubinati.

I'm usually unhappy with my single posts, so I feel you, bro.

Pretty sure MichelleNL is a girl. Also, Garden State was not terrible at all.

I'm not sure if this is right, but I think you can already link your registered account to Facebook, but I'm dumb enough that I don't really know what that means.

I don't think the majority of users will "flag" posts they don't like, unless they are particularly egregious, which I believe is the overall point of introducing such a system.

@Snidely's Imitator, curse your mastery of Intro to Philosophy!

So, what's worse: using significant events of historical tragedy and human suffering as emotional leverag to sway others, or faking personal ties to said events?

Looks like a young Mimi Rogers with huge cans. Sweet.

Wait, if everyone was burned, how'd you hear about it?

Your noble sacrifice will not have been in vain.

That certainly looks like a "fuck you" to the moviegoing public.