ryan major

A. i love pleased to meet me and but took me a little while.
B. i was walking down carnaby st. in london the other day on vacation and passed liam gallagher's store, pretty green. liam's smug fucking face was in all the pictures in the windows and i thought that was pretty funny.

how much would it cost to make a record of journey playing clem snide songs?

because i don't know how to use buttons, i will now punish myself by listening to journey.

i would
but i don't like journey.

i would
but i don't like journey.

i heard krypton was part of bush's axis of evil.

did anyone notice that when x-men 3 came out, at the end of the trailer and tv spots, the voiceover said "A BRETT RATNER FILM"?

i won't
watch that movie. if it ever comes out.