
It's all his fault since the beginning anyway. He always fucks up everything and then whine about it.

Jesse fucked up everything just because he was angry the kid got poisoned and now the kid has no mother. congrats.

Best. Episode. Ever.

Bunch of Japanese guys come into town and take over the drugs market. Walt doing a karate scene where he kicks their asses. 

May 2014. I would have prefered not to know.

When's Louie new season ?

So true for Saul Goodman but then again Breaking Bad is far from being a realistic show. 

It wasn't really the lie but the way he said it. It wasn't convincing at all and he had "Bullshit" written all over his face. Even his son didn't believe him. 

I thought that Walt planned that his family wouldn't believe his bullshit story and they would think he fainted and invented this story to cover his cancer up. I thought wrong apparently.

Nah. Seriously the last 2 seasons are dire. And Robert California is such a bad character, my god how can you find him funny or even remotely interesting ?

Thanks for the reply but it is not really the story that I criticize, it's just that it is really really badly explained. The whole affair, suicide-murder thing. I re-watched the episode and I still don't really get it.

SFU is easily the best drama ever. Except for the whole story with Lisa and her death. It's just bad writing.

This is dubbed in French, in France. *Sigh*


Ahhh the office, a shame the last two seasons are crap. 

Anna is right.

This has been mentionned a couple of times in the comments but I have to say it again : How in the name of fuck can the writers, even bad writers, can approve this piece of shit ? At least do something exciting if it's going to be unrealistic.