Deadeye Dick

I'd opt for wheelchair-user, wheelchair-bound implies a limitation which may or may not exist. Wheelchair users all, obviously, have varying levels of ability, just because someone is using a wheelchair doesn't mean they can't, for example, walk with a frame, transfer from chair to chair etc. As to it being

@LetEnglandShake That's quite funny. Although, he was referring to a wheelchair-bound child so the introduction of BDSM into the equation creates a new problem.

Lapse in political correctness
Without wishing to come across as insufferably PC "wheelchair-bound" is quite an outdated term and to use it is a bit insensitive. As for "the disabled", well…

Really? I'd not seen the original video until I saw the documentary but I thought he came across as a tragic and ultimately sympathetic character. When he met his "fans" or fans (take your pick) at the film festival he seemed genuinely moved; obviously he's ill-tempered and difficult but human for all that.

That's not what Monkey Dust was at all. Obviously its aesthetic was deliberately off putting and the sketches sometimes pushed the boundaries of "good taste" but it was an excellent satirical portrait of modern Britain. It was also just very funny, particularly the second and third seasons.

A)You haven't ever thought to question all the self-conscious bravado surrounding drinking? With that degree of intellectual rigor you'll make a fine lawyer.
B)No one asked you any such thing. Also you don't need to be studying for a law degree to read a newspaper so linking your "knowledge" of said law and

Yeah me too. Not a lot of people know this but being an insufferable fucking prick not only makes you boast about how much you drink, drone on about your law degree (and post unprovoked personal insults about strangers on internet comment pages), although those are common symptoms; it can also affect your ability to

Jesus Christ bullets you sound like such an insufferable fucking prick.

Yeah, I like the photo-fit of the man he claims to have seen acting suspiciously in the area. Hilarious.

Monkey Dust
Has anyone else seen this? It's not really a sitcom, more an animated sketch show, but it is British and also very funny. Even in the UK you can only get the first and weakest of the three series on DVD and it seems to have passed most people by. This is a funny sketch:
As is