Dookiesain LaFlair

As an Atheist, I can tell you that yes, it does. In the words of Carl Weathers from Predator The Musical, "I  don't believe in goblins and ghosts".  http://www.youtube.com/watc…

Well, when the fundamental rules of the universe seem to change before my eyes, as a rational person, I would have to at least reevaluate my position.

He Danny Duberstien'd the fuck out of those TSA agents.

I don't know if the going to France was a reference to George having to take that little kid to Paris after he tried to get out of being a big brother or not, but the show was great. When  Michael said "I'll be back in two shakes" I lost it. A Back To The Future reference and a Parkinson's joke within ten seconds of

As an Atheist, if vampires, werewolves, magic and ghosts started showing up in society, I would seriously reevaluate my view of the universe. 

I figured since they were in an 8 bit universe, the god particle was a single pixel. The funny part was when the Grand Unified Theory was on the chalkboard, and all you could see was blocks.

They should replace the dude on the right side of the screen with a rear view of Whitney.

Not as hard as I do! 

Happy Madison is must be Australian slang for "garbage" or something. At least Happy Gilmore had Carl Weathers to provide comic relief. 

Well after watching the Rescue Me clunker of a series finale, this one was a nice surprise. 

That pedo from Workaholics is on my screen! Stop looking at me! 

Whitney Cummings you saucy minx! Your lustful gaze, combined with that black dress and ratty looking tennis shoes are making me want to taste your spicy chili ring. 

Yeah, when the guys were in the dining room at the fire house, they were talking about "moving on" and "ghosts" and other allusions. I still think that the opening with Lou speaking at the funeral was the real world and everything else was the guys in a fireman's Valhalla, where they will crack wise and fight fires

Loumaggedon. We had a Louout on the way. Classic. I guess I'm glad they all didn't die, but I actually felt something  when I thought they all died, like I lost a friend. Like when Lem was killed, or ….holy shit. I just looked it up on IMDB as I was typing this. This whole time I thought Lou was the same guy that

It's squeezing out a massive turd

Calling someone "seizure boy" is not that funny. If the guy started to have a seizure while the police were seizing his property, and someone made a pun about it….well it would be mildly amusing.

Well considering Gus has been gradually heading North, he could always go to Canada. 

I get what you are saying, but to me it would take more nerve to slash someone's neck and have the blood spray all over the place without so much as blinking then it would to just BS with the police. I mean he probably figured he wasn't going to get taken int custody right then and there and he probably has an escape