Dookiesain LaFlair

Is it just me or were they trying to sex up Suzie before the car seat scene? Usually she is frumpy and agitated, but this time she was wearing low cut tops and seemed to have a lot of makeup on. I remember thinking I just might do her. No, I definitely would.

I think the baseball stuff is just because they are in New York. It just seems like more of a baseball city then L.A.

Anyone else notice Gus's finger shaking after the interrogation? He can slash a man's neck without a second thought, but Hank got him rattled. 

It would almost be cheaper to buy small jeans and sew them together.

As a rap artist, T.I. is a "cultural enemy" of the Prison Industrial Complex. The system will use any means to keep him under wraps. Get it raps. 

Was I the only one who cracked up at the gun battle ballet? It was like they were  the human centipede, only instead of eating each others feces they were making a mockery of a John Woo film.  Also, is it just me or have the number of comments dropped off a cliff since this new system was installed?

I don't see how anyone can expect the guys to survive that. On the preview for next week, it showed like 5 jackets on a rack at the firehouse, then they all fade away.  Also, when Lou saw those big propane tanks and he stood in front of them so the guys wouldn't see them as they ran up the stairwell, I heard Hank Hill