
I thought Margary's death was fitting. Very much a case of trying to play the long game, when it was all about the short game.

I wouldn't say you're passionate as much as stupid. Take the time to read the whole link, and hopefully you will understand the issue is a bit more complicated than the blurb at the top.

I am from NZ, and was explaining to my sister about brexit decision as even more crazy than NZ voting in National in the last election.

For a show that usually has its tech shit together, disappointed to see "Enable middle out compression" as a radiobutton, not a checkbox. Boy I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.

I really don't like the Waif character in the show. Just seems so one dimensional.

I am glad I am not the only one who threw my ASOIAF books across the room.

Somewhat unrelated, but the just way Jack said Aviato just sold me straight away in the scene. Already become one of my favourite scenes this season.

I think the best thing was the fact he gets cockblocked by Jack earlier in the episode, so you get the release in this brilliant scene.

Glad it wasn't just me. I thought maybe jamie had somehow ended up there to save the day or something.

There is also the Stallion Who Mounts the World, which does make it seem like all the religions are talking about the same person.

That garbage scene was pure gold.

I think that was more working the angle that he is a terrible person.

I laughed particularly hard at the bizarre way he picked her up.

I don't think you're a real aussie. Otherwise you would be trying to brand Rhys as one of your own.

No mention of the teen jesus line. Earned a big laugh from me. Janney is really killing it. Enough so that I will continue to watch.

Based on the fight scenes so far in this show, I sadly can't see it being as great as it was in the books.

The idea that a man turns gay, because he can't get a female seems a bit silly.

Yes it was overly mawkish and self congratulatory. But i didn't give a fuck, which is why it was a good finale.

I definitely agree with what you say. Especially on the amy/sheldon aspect. I mean they have been generating more moments of sheldon trying to overcome his issues, but by the next week its all forgotten and sheldons back to being a dick to amy, and amys back to making sarcastic remarks about it (as if they are some

I would go so far as to say raj had one of the best comedy sequences not involving sheldon in a while, in the scene talking with Kate Micucci character. Had me roaring with laughter the entire time.