
I think voyeurism/exhibitionism is the main draw. I'm kind of an exhibitionist and I can definitely see the appeal.

As an only child, I think it's not so much that I ever thought or would think "living with a teen of the opposite sex would be a fantasy come true" but that because I didn't grow up with siblings, I just didn't develop that built in incest taboo, so there isn't anything that causes me to find it viscerally gross. (I

Update, he decided not to come with me, ostensibly because he doesn't have a costume, unless he reads my posts on here (not impossible, but if that's the case, I hope it's never mentioned to me in person). Problem solved, but now I'm a little sad because he seldom comes with me to parties. Oh well.

I think the scariest scene in Psycho is at the very end when Vera Miles goes down to the fruit cellar and Norman Bates rushes in. I think it's so particularly terrifying because in that instant you know what Janet Leigh saw while he was killing her.

After we watched it in the theater (me for the first time) my boyfriend at the time scared me in the shower like that with a knife. It was great.

I liked it a lot but it really didn't register as "scary" to me, it just seemed like a fantastic movie. I also read the book and a bunch of other true crime books around that time, so I think it just appealed to me in a more procedural capacity.

The scene at the end of Paranormal Activity where she grins into the camera.
Also the scenes where she gets out of bed and just stares at him. I have to force myself not to start thinking about it sometimes or I won't be able to sleep.

That sounds totally fascinating. Thanks for finding this! Maybe YOU should write the whole book about the place.

Aw, thanks. Don't go to any special trouble but I would definitely love to hear about it if you can find it. I've seen lots of different public bathrooms in my day and am weirdly fascinated.

What is it like? I find this an interesting subject.

I think Dan's advice was really good, and so is the advice of the other people who replied to you. I don't think you should show this column to her. There are some cases when that works for a person but I don't think this is one of them. I think you should try to reassure her that you are into women of all different

Good, I mostly didn't want it up in perpetuity because I feel guilty!!
I'll try not to break another glass.

OK, wow. I wonder if it is cost effective too. I am thinking of doing my legs at least because I spend so much money on razor blades. I really prefer the close trim rather than shave but that's good to know.

You are right! It wasn't a question. I guess the question is whether or not I should even go to the party (I like these people! I like Halloween! I like parties! I want to wear my costume!) or if I should discourage my boyfriend from coming with me. [Edited to remove too much unnecessary information.] Also I broke a

Dear Savage Frog, or Savage Dik, or anyone:

How often do you have to do it? I have a great electric bikini trimmer thing that I love but if I want it really trimmed (I do) I have to do it about once a week.

I think my ideal of snooping/privacy is that you would never just read around in your partner's email out of interest or snooping, but that if it was some kind of emergency you could ask him or her person to log into your email and read some information you needed urgently (I guess this is more of a holdover from an

Me too. It might be generally associated with a dynamic where one person (me) is more submissive but I kind of prefer or expect him to initiate sex. I mean, I definitely initiate sex sometimes by either physical touching stuff when we're in bed together, or by asking him if he wants to have sex, but in general he

When I was 14 and apparently really anxious about sweating (I can't remember my exact motivations) I used to use it under my arms in addition to deodorant. I used the Caswell-Massey lavender stuff and I thought it smelled nice, but maybe it was weird. So maybe people use it for that? I also used the non-scented stuff

I disagree; I actually do think that having a therapist husband means you're automatically okay with being blindsided by patients - when it is an emergency situation. I think people pursuing a relationship with a therapist need to understand that sometimes patients will be inappropriately emotionally involved with the