
Better than out of your eyes!

That is such a great comparison.

Look, life isn't perfect. We can't engineer other people's behavior to minimize the smallest risk of discomfort 100% of the time. If you think you are entitled to go through life with nobody subjecting you to the slightest stressful encounter or an awkward social situation, ever, you have another think coming.

I have a conceited opinion of my personality as well as my looks, so I have never assumed someone's asked me out just for my looks! Am I doing this wrong?

I went to Puerto Rico by myself for vacation at the beginning of the summer and my first night there I was eating dinner by myself and was reading a book (War and Peace) when some guy who had been sitting at the bar put a note on my table that turned out to say his name, "You are beautiful" and his phone number. I

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus That makes absolute perfect sense. As someone else with a (different) "thing" that is sort of incorporated into the fabric of everyday life in a normal way, when some opportunity for people to mention the everyday context comes up in a casual non-sexual way it makes me

Or, he's descended from Pushkin.

I like Bluff the Listener. It actually usually fools me a lot of the time. I like everything about Wait Wait Don't Tell Me.

I can't begin to describe how much I hate this. I find it infuriating and condescending. I fucking hate Radiolab. If I wanted to hear the same thing said four times in a row with "cool" sound effects, I'd stick a broken turntable in an echo chamber.

Late to the game but I was thinking about you AVCers in Colorado over the weekend and hoping you were all ok. Glad to hear this!

This deserved more "likes."

Is he? I'm as anti double standard as the average person but Miley's the one jumping around and making sexual gestures. (I actually like the performance a lot, so this isn't a complaint.) In their routine she's pretty much the prime focus. Except for being grinded against, he isn't really doing anything sexual, unless

Why IS her tongue that color? She must do something to it, right? Why would you want to make your tongue that color? Maybe to show up better onstage? I've been thinking about this.

That actually seems much more articulate and reasonable in context, than excerpted.

Editing this to concede all points. Another "beware of internet" moment. But nothing to do with new disqus, just my consistency of usernames.

@Scrawler2:disqus I know, I feel the same way. I haven't been reading the site very frequently because I've been busy at work and over the weekend I was thinking about it and felt genuinely sad about not keeping up as closely with you guys. Sigh. The outside world is pretty nice too though.

@Scrawler2:disqus You don't have to follow someone to find their comments immediately. All you have to do is check their static Disqus page. It updates instantly.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus It might be harder than you think. But, I get paranoid every time someone mentions this. I just spent a few minutes deleting some more stuff from the internet, including pictures of me you can get based on googling stuff I've put on here. Honestly, people here actually

You're the person who only has friends who have never cheated, thought about cheating, or found anyone attractive besides the person he or she was dating at that time, right? I think you may be extrapolating from a nonrepresentative sample.

@avclub-011d0b4fe6835bb3d37ef4e0ea713de6:disqus Yeah I believe she killed herself and he kept her corpse in his closet, and then she was reanimated by the Dutch Wife fairy who gives Pinocchio-style life to sex toys, and then she spent the rest of the storyline trying to get revenge on him for fucking her corpse.