
It was such a great comic. I sent him a fan letter once when I was like sixteen and he wrote me back the nicest reply. I found the image again a while ago and have been waiting for the perfect spot to whip it out again here in the comments, obviously it's you who delivers.


I discovered the best donuts in the world. Seriously, they are the best donuts I have ever had in my life and others agree. They are sold at the Davis Square Flea Market on Sundays and made by Great Cape Baking Company. They're apple cider donuts. They have plain, sugar coated and fruit filled. The fruit filled ones

I believe that the plaintiff in charge of bringing the suit to a lawyer and initiating the class action gets more compensation than the standard plaintiff in the class, to compensate for their time and effort spent in initiating the suit. So the person who initiates it gets more than just the $22 or whatever.

It didn't strike me as a documentary at the time - I also think of a documentary as involving interviews and historical footage - but it's definitely a nonfiction film, and it's about war, so it's pretty definitively for grownups - just in a different medium of art. I saw it a few years ago and reading the description

What about, like, Waltz with Bashir? Would you watch that? Do you have an opinion on Maus?

Yeah I was expecting it to be uniquely heartbreaking in some way. It was succinct and not really too special. I mean, it's articulate, but I'm pretty unaffected.

I don't understand it either. I am really interested in why so many people think it's great to get dogs from no-kill shelters. To my mind, it's better to get from a kill shelter so you actually rescue a dog, not just pick one from a pre-rescued pool. My presumption is that the reason people like this idea is because

@avclub-16db446cafb1ffb1466e71eaf97a4f49:disqus Yeah, I totally get that. Also, I really think it's hard to make the argument that it is heartless because it is so objectively great when you can rescue another dog.

My senior year of college I lived in a four bedroom where I had my own half-bathroom attached to my room but the washer and dryer of the apartment were also in that bathroom. It was an excellent tradeoff to me overall but I actually got walked in on in the bathroom multiple times. (For whatever reason, this actually

Thanks! :) I agree!

I do press-ups and triceps stuff with the machine. (I'm a girl, in pretty good shape, decent upper body strength for a girl.) I use the machines a lot for arm stuff because I worry less about hurting my back and my impression is that you lose less via machine-works-for-you for arm than leg/other stuff, but I could be

"Haunted" by Chuck Palahniuk.


Yeah, totally. I think it's nice and maybe even brave that she told you about her status in case you had an issue with it, but separated is separated, and she clearly is interested in going on a date with you.
I don't see why it should be any more platonic than if you were dating someone who was single as opposed to

Last week was my birthday and my boyfriend got me the thing I was going to ask for if he had asked me what to get me for my birthday. But he didn't ask.

Trader Joe's is the fucking worst. All they sell is food you don't need to eat.

They should make a word for that.

You mean, the fact that she is less autonomous in her artistic and performance booking work than other "shock" performance artists are? (I don't know how being a pop star really works, but I think most people assume that she has managers and stuff telling her what to do and how to dance. I don't know how much of that