
@avclub-6e8fb18f4f5788ce09ff72f8fdd81b4f:disqus I think @avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus is referring to the kind of power that you don't realize you don't have until you miss it - power in a much more catholic sense of the word. You could say "privilege," I guess (and pretty much everyone has), but I

I really wish Piper had just got baptized. For whatever dumb reasons I feel sorry for Pennsatucky. I guess that if Piper had been baptized she would have just had to deal with endless attempts for Tiffany trying to drag her into religious stuff but given that they hugged and stuff I thought it would have just been a

I actually really thought that was Pennsatucky. It took me way too long to realize that it was Alex.

I thought that the show was demonstrating that being in psych actually made her a lot worse, and had a significantly deleterious effect on her mental state.

I love the idea that it's as a favor, so that Pennsatucky can get new teeth.

Yes, that's a fantastic point - I totally agree.
I think probably many people are in relationships not just because of who the other person is, but because of who they themselves are with that person.

I LOVE History of Rome. It's one of my favorites. I especially love the opening music - it's really gentle and transformative somehow.

@avclub-62812d8eb06386505986efff8b5e43ac:disqus One of the stories on This American Life (I think it was TAL anyway) once was about a woman who was missing an arm - she had a prosthetic arm - and was so superb at hiding it with body language and other tricks that absolutely nobody could tell, even guys she slept with

@avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus I love seeing that word used correctly.

Thanks :) We really haven't been dating all that long so it's too early to say that I actually found anything but I am very pleased.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus I love this, because when someone accused you of being a screenwriting trope the other day, I was going to ask him if he thought we were the tester audience for a Kids/Wall Street mashup.

@avclub-a7d14af020e2abc3c1372d43283591de:disqus Hmm, I think the idea that the "scamming" remark is a subtle dig about Morello having an affair is exceptionally farfetched. It would be quite subtle and quite a metaphorical leap, especially given that apparently a lot of others don't really believe Morello has a real

I saw Rear Window which I really liked. I love looking in people's windows so it was very resonant with me. I also read about half of Sisterland and finished The Armchair Economist, which I unfortunately really didn't like in comparison with More Sex is Safer Sex which I had read a few weeks ago.

Happy birthday!

Happy birthday! The episode meeting the girl sounds neat. You described her in some decent detail so it seems like she made at least some kind of impression. You should call her.
I went to Algiers on Friday, myself. The service is pretty bad and I think it's egregiously overpriced, but it's really pretty on the inside

Yeah, that sounds like a very reasonable thing to say. So sue her, she doesn't like fantasy too much, I don't either. Maybe it's anti-fantasy snobbery but by the same token I would have anti-football watching snobbery - not my thing but I can appreciate that there are people whose thing it is.

The whole movie should have been about Goeth.

Russian Ark is great. I love how mysterious it is.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus I realize this is something you don't necessarily "get" due to your upbringing, but really, most people don't make fine distinctions among "different types" of white people, or Asian people, when thinking about racism or racial identity in America in broad terms. For

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus Yo, I drink Heineken almost exclusively and it is my favorite beer, and I am neither black nor Irish in the slightest. Heineken is Dutch, like me.