
The self-image of myself as someone who works out and is in shape. It's very reinforcing to be able to tell yourself (and other people!) that you work out a lot and are in great shape. Also, looking good. But I'd still work out even if I magically looked this good anyway, for the personal narrative, and because I find

Nice responses so far! I also maybe should clarify that I more meant that, if you met someone who feels about it the same way you do, or at least fully appreciates it and the way you like it, then that person would be your soul mate and you'd want to marry him or her. Like I totally think that if I met someone who

Some people are into it as an extension of interest in watersports in general. I personally find diapers completely revolting. I don't know much about it in the context of infantilization, which I also find revolting. But I can sort of conceive how it's in the same category as people who want to be totally dominated

Croatia is indeed unbelievably gorgeous. The water is the color of a kid's crayon picture drawing of water. It's by far the most beautiful place I've ever been, and the best vacation-vacation. Also one of the best meals I've ever eaten in my life was there, in Rovinj.

I checked this out over the weekend and didn't manage to watch it so I have to return it and get it out again. I've probably seen the majority of significant Yugoslav cinema so I'm kinda surprised I haven't seen this one yet.

The next place I want to go is Uzbekistan. Tashkent and Samarkand. Apparently it's one of the most beautiful places in the world and they have perfect seasons (three months of winter, spring, fall, summer).

I like Boden, it's kind of pricey but they have a TON of midseason sales, the clothes are incredibly flattering (esp. for normal sized people), and they are so well made and last for literally years.

Those are really nice.

Yup, me too.

Yes, I hate the concept of gendered drinks in every direction. I hate the idea that fancy cocktails and light beer are for women and men get made fun of for drinking them. I hate the idea that women are supposed to like fruit flavored drinks. And I especially hate the idea that it makes you sexy and cool and a tomboy

I'm definitely going to try this recipe. Thanks! And, that's exactly the same thing I say about Gatorade - you know you've had enough as soon as it starts tasting salty.

I don't get head rushes but I see stars constantly (upon standing up and other kinds of triggers), I get way more tired from working out than I should, my heart races upon mild exertion, and I just kind of feel low energy all the time whereas I didn't used to.

Really? Huh. Do you know what the long term consequences are supposed to be?

I kinda agree. Sometimes I find it kind of horrifying how narcissistic I am. Like I spent five minutes just checking myself out before getting in the shower last night. But there was a decent chunk of my adult life when I felt like an untouchable freak, like I was not even in the same category as someone anyone would

I went to the doctor yesterday and found out I have low blood pressure (and a noticeable drop in blood pressure upon getting up from a lying down position), and I'm supposed to eat more salt and hopefully that should make me feel better.

I raised this yesterday in the Edge of Seventeen Watch This and we were talking about it some, but here it is as a question for the whole group:

Yes, precisely. (I don't know what PV means though?) It's also possible to have a fetish that is not a dealbreaker if the other person won't do it but just really fantastic and icing on the cake if they will do it. Of course, the risk is that this can change over time. I'd be willing to date someone who wasn't into my

I think gray hair can often look good. I think it's the overall impression - body, face, style of hair, style of dress, manner - that influences attractiveness moreso than whether or not one dyes her hair. My guess is that leaving your hair gray is somewhat more correlated with other markers of unattractiveness (being

Demos, b-sides and bootlegs are always more compelling. They have the authenticity of the unrepeatable moment.