
@avclub-d116ae13554d47530ed800aef8ed5755:disqus I would think that too, but I actually don't find it to be the case for some reason. If there is an effect on me, it's not really significant enough that I notice it, I think.
The only things I've actively turned the subtitles off on to enjoy more are Red Dwarf and

I just read An Economist Gets Lunch by Tyler Cowen a large portion of which is given over to how to find good and authentic Asian (mostly Chinese) restaurants in America, if anyone is interested in that kind of thing, and it seems like people are.

Or maybe because Walt Whitman sucks.

@Scrawler2:disqus Wow, I never knew that about baptism. In fact this shows you how incredibly little I know about other religions, because I was kind of under the vague idea that Protestants were identified by the fact that they didn't baptize and besides Catholics, only Baptists did it and that's why they alone are

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus Wow, I should really go to the Met sometime. I think I've only been once or twice, at least since I was a little kid, and I used to go to NYC all the time.

Aw, I like it. I mean, I like the original title too, but if you didn't learn the original title first it doesn't sound so bad.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus I've never seen that before, it's really nice. Especially the colors. What is it to you that is so compelling? (If describable)

"Movies like Beautiful Thing and Get Real—in which awkward gay boys find true love with the hottest guy in school—are so improbable as to be almost insulting"

@avclub-e9f4bab0a3f1a98c3a38e25de94f37bd:disqus That makes sense too, I guess. It also might vary with reading speed. I'm a super fast reader so I don't think I even perceive a difference between looking at the whole image and looking at the subtitles.

@Scrawler2:disqus Are Quakers not considered Protestant? I was raised Quaker and I usually tell people that it's Protestant. But to me, like @avclub-72685cbb553a7ebfbccb08092d11c7e0:disqus I think of Protestants as anyone in a Christian tradition who isn't Catholic, Eastern Orthodox or, debatably, Episcopalian.

This reminds me of the question I keep thinking about starting a Tolerability Index thread for: is there one book or movie or work of art that you think, if someone reads this, then he will understand me. Mine is "Repeat After Me" by Rachel DeWoskin.

What the heck is Cedar Point? I have never heard of it. (Yes, I googled it and now know what it is. But it's not so famous as you guys apparently think.)

I'm seriously missing the part of my brain that one uses to understand why someone would have a problem with subtitles, unless he or she is actually illiterate. I even watch English language movies with the subtitles on. It's better that way!

@Scrawler2:disqus This is so funny to hear, because, I realize now that this must be pretty specific to me, but to me "Protestant" just means default and normal. Like if I met a person who said he goes to church regularly, my baseline assumption would be that he is a member of some Protestant denomination, unless I

You might as well just stop thinking of everything in the same way again.

Thanks and wow. The internet is a really remarkable place!

Oooh, really? That is quite a coincidence! I am interested! If you don't want to post the info here you could email it to me at elliexx87 at gmail and I would be appreciative!

Yes, modern medicine is great. I was genuinely worried I was going to die when I got pneumonia, before I was diagnosed and given medicine for it.

I felt the same way at first - well, I didn't hate the book, but I was disappointed by it and my feeling about the book and about Piper Kerman in general absolutely put me off the show, so I was skeptical and dismissive of all the praise it's been getting. I just started watching the first few minutes kind of on a

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus Ha! That happens to me sometimes. Also that thing when you think something was in reply to one of your posts on an article, but later see it was actually in reply to something totally different that also makes sense in context.