
That really is too bad. I lived in an apartment with a cat for a couple months (well, the cat lived there a couple months, I lived there for a lot longer) and while I'm not much of a cat person, I was delighted that it would catch and kill insects. I was like "Aha, the original use of domesticated animals."

I wish I watched more documentaries on Netflix. It's such a great resource. Like most people, I mostly end up rewatching episodes of TV, but I feel like I get a lot out of it for that?

No sex for a month. And longer if I get it, too.

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus Yeah, I said exactly this when I was describing the movie (which I haven't yet seen) to someone last week - that you can hear it described as a genocide but that my understanding is that it was politically motivated so that's not quite right.
I think that politically motivated murder seems

I'm really looking forward to seeing The Act of Killing, it opens here next week. That's an interesting comment about use of the word "genocide." In general, I think it's good to use it less, but a lot of sentiment about using it less is inspired by people wanting not to be seen as perpetrators of genocide, so it's a

Friday night I went to see Psycho as part of a "The Complete Hitchcock" series that is playing this summer (I saw Rope last week). It was great; I love Anthony Perkins and especially how naturalistic he is in comparison with the other characters in the movie. This week I also watched four more episodes of Orange Is

Thanks for the rec. I love Indian food and would definitely go there!

Best "Where is that ringtone coming from?"


You're from Shaolin? Cool.

I love Lana del Rey. I just started listening to her a while ago. I think Born to Die is a stellar album - I actually have it in my work computer at this very moment.

I missed this before, but I think it sounds like a nice idea and not too weird. I've definitely heard of it before. I totally second everything that @disqus_pLtzLD5UrA:disqus and @avclub-8288999e960ebe6aca280a2c31f5645b:disqus said. Besides, parties are always nice. I love pasta salad and I wish I could come!

You won't be disappointed. John Bellairs is one of my favorite authors of all time. They're horror novels for intermediate readers (ages 10-13 or so).

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus You're a good person.

I actually found the article semi-offensive, even if the commenter who originally objected dug a gigantic hole that I wouldn't have jumped into with him.

What I'm really sick of is people who, instead of going on with whatever discussion or argument they are having, spend about half of their comment picking apart the other person's arguing style, accusing the other person of poor reading comprehension or straw man-ing or semantic nitpickery or blah blah blah and loudly

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus Huh. I think I would be really nervous going someplace on a date where the guy was paying and it was more expensive than I would want to pay for myself. If you take a woman out to somewhere expensive like that, is it usually someone who makes similar money to you?

I'm still reading War and Peace and still loving it. I also am almost done with An Economist Gets Lunch by Tyler Cowen. The first part was interesting and lively, but the second part is kind of a slog and I don't totally agree with him about GMOs. I have another of his books to read next. I'm also reading "The Cartoon

Mine is Ghostwriter (RJD2).

@avclub-011d0b4fe6835bb3d37ef4e0ea713de6:disqus Ahhh, you are so great. This is the best story ever.