
@avclub-1b1f9a3e639ecc53f335314fc9d8403b:disqus I haven't! I went to see Safety Last the other week in a theater.
I like Buster Keaton better though. I've never seen any Chaplin.

I actually like the first one better - polka dots are great but I think it's a little more interesting/classy looking/more summery? (Though it might be kind of chilly there, then.)

I really like all of those! I think the jacket looks really good actually. And awww, I wish I had a kid to buy clothes for. (Ten years later: "God, I wish I had never had kids to spend this money on clothes they will outgrow in two months.")

@ColdGottoBe:disqus Oh, wow. Those look so good! I want them too now! I would bet $5 that they wouldn't look good on me, but I love center seams so much.

@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus I think Cookie Monster meant "this" website, like the one we are currently on.

I LOVE BODEN. I got so many Boden clothes this year. It was a really outstanding season.

Me too, I am cracking the hell up.

@avclub-72a8ab4748d4707fda159db0088d85de:disqus I like this, a lot.

I can attest to that personally. I find people where it's their entire lifestyle incredibly tiresome, though.

I had that in my profile. I had a list of things I was looking for in someone to date and "taller than I am" was one of them.

Lily Pearl. Kind of weird sounding.

He's the nemesis of Peter North.

For some reason, it seemed like when I was a kid, jump starting was everywhere. I remember multiple occurrences of my mom jump-starting people or having to be jump-started or seeing a jump-starting. Meanwhile I've engaged in a jump-starting exactly once in my adult life and I have never seen anyone being jump started

Also, my number one favorite thing about Europe is men lighting your cigarettes for you.

That sounds really gross. Also, holy pretentious food writing, Batman. At least there's no "Here is."

@LJo1:disqus I was once at a trendy nightclub on Ada Ciganlija (major nightspot island where young people go) in Belgrade and they gave the three women in the group straws in our beers. Not the men, just women.

I actually really wish that both the a) Euro kiss b) greeting people by kissing them on the cheek would come back into standard. That's one of my very favorite things about Europe.
The only person who's ever greeted me by kissing me on the cheek in America I ended up sleeping with later that night, but it was still

@avclub-011d0b4fe6835bb3d37ef4e0ea713de6:disqus That was [Puts on sunglasses]-worthy.

@avclub-a9ab29b18796823dd9be52a3f74c1459:disqus I guess this makes me a narrow minded asshole, but I find the idea of people who are so deeply committed to a fantasy version of the real world sad and disturbing. I genuinely think it is nice that they can find other people who share their interests, but it strikes me

@avclub-83de02c3cfc3634de1279cbc17a8fbae:disqus Ohhh, I get what you mean now. Yes, it was a mistyping. Oops.