
I don't think it's Texas in particular that's racially divided; most places in the US are. Unfortunately, I think areas in which it's common for people have multiracial social groups are few and far between in this country.

Incidentally, on the subject of disinterest in blowjobs, I have a friend who has never done it because she thinks it's gross and demeaning (same with receiving oral - I think she had a boyfriend who really wanted to but she was too uncomfortable with it), which I find really sad.

Road head is extremely dangerous and nobody should do it, ever.

In The Mood For Love. Game over.

@avclub-0109f5c2b04736b9731ef78e6276fc49:disqus Eh, I think it actually makes a weird kind of sense. There's a big difference between doing something sexual with someone you're pretty sure you're not going to develop any romantic attachment to (a guy, given he's heterosexual) and someone you would have an actual

Last week I kind of missed the part where he claimed to be totally asexual. I can't believe how often the subject of "non-sexual furries" has come up recently on the AV Club. I feel like the universe is trying to tell us something. I don't want to know what though.

@avclub-83de02c3cfc3634de1279cbc17a8fbae:disqus I know! It's the wrong way around! Anything you do for sex is automatically less geeky than anything you do just for fun.

@TheZeppo:disqus It's a lot, like a lot worse as an adult than as a kid, apparently. That's one of the reasons, I think, that they used to do them for kids as a matter of rote - because in case you had to have them out at some point it was going to be really terrible if it wasn't when you were a kid.

@avclub-8456555f62f58c0e43c8f45d52b3e4b3:disqus Yes, exactly. Thanks for articulating that so well. People don't explain this enough, I think.

@avclub-908a1401cf04191acc71e21f123d26f4:disqus Oh thank you for the link! I may have created a Yahoo account for this sole purpose.

Fun story: I was once in a CVS at around midnight or something, and some lady was going at the manager about coupons for like ten minutes, sounding increasingly crazy and argumentative. She apparently did this all the time - came in with a handful of expired coupons demanding money for them in all kinds of complicated

@ColdGottoBe:disqus I like it too. Some people apparently think it's a really harmful word because it essentializes women to their sexual organs and uses that as a pejorative, so it's doubly abusive toward women, or something. I can understand the thought process but I really disagree, I think it's just a curse word

I would "like" this many times over - I couldn't agree more.

@avclub-e8e1ea96f3b1bf8e7400065325e188c8:disqus Oh.

Using the word "retarded" as a general pejorative legitimately bothers me but I realize it's a losing battle. I think that's fair. There are some words that legitimately bother other people e.g. the apparent feminist objection to "cunt" which I find pretty dumb but they're entitled to their world view too.

I'm probably getting my tonsils out at some point this year so I'm not sure what I'm going to do. Maybe watch The Sopranos. Although I've heard that apparently tonsillectomy recovery is so awful that you might not even feel well enough to watch TV.

I was stunned to learn this but apparently there are some people who think of themselves as furries but in a nonsexual way. I learned of this either when we were talking about the My Little Pony thing or in some Savage Love, somewhere here in the past year. It took me forever to wrap my head around it and I still am

Are they vomiting? At first I had no idea what you're talking about, then rewatched it three times, and it still doesn't sound like vomiting to me. Not sure what that weird noise is though.

@avclub-ce6b16ea4102dc4408c8dc202e7336c0:disqus No kidding. I'm probably going to edit it out if I don't get any bites. I also just realized that anyone providing me with a link would also have to admit to having read and, like, maintained continuous awareness of the existence of it, which is another stumbling block.

Thanks for the reminder - I keep hearing about that and it's always sounded interesting.