

The Perks of Being a Wallflower is eerily (like really eerily) like my own experience of eighth grade and freshman year. I was shy and an outsider and I became friends with a group of kids who were into Rocky Horror and the Gay-Straight Alliance and did theater and all that stuff. At first they thought I was funny and

I think Welcome to Sarajevo is a decent movie. It's "problematic" but it sort of elides that by being about foreign correspondents, so it makes the voyeuristic western-centrism kind of literal.

I love that whole genre of Eastern European surrealist stuff. I mean I often find it kind of disturbing but I like that it exists.

I'm only four episodes in but it strikes me as a drama with funny moments (à la Breaking Bad) not a comedy. Like not a comedy at all. Does it get funnier or something?

I started watching Orange Is The New Black. I had been kind of avoiding it despite reading here how great it was out of some weird allegiance to the book in "book vs. movie" even though I thought the book was only interesting and not fantastic or anything. But, oh my god. It's so good. I feel as excited about it as I

I may or may not have been legal for all of that time period, so maybe for the best. If you ever saw them at the Middle East though we may well have been at the same show. I saw them there in like 2002 and once or twice more since then, can't remember exactly when. My favorite is Signs of the Zodiac.

@avclub-550af0e27594253768ef93c3f2421f7b:disqus Both Kontroll and Rasputina are the shit. I've seen Rasputina pretty much every time they've come to Boston. I picked the quotation because I was living on the South Side of Chicago at the time.

@avclub-550af0e27594253768ef93c3f2421f7b:disqus It's Scarlett Fay posing in a photo shoot for the Lindsay Lohan porno: http://www.thesuperficial.c…

@avclub-523a9ae9c20387fe0507793338aa7593:disqus There were like three stories about that in the Tolerability Index a couple weeks ago.

@avclub-550af0e27594253768ef93c3f2421f7b:disqus OK, I retract my statement. That is uncool behavior.

@avclub-550af0e27594253768ef93c3f2421f7b:disqus I think that's kind of cool.

Shoah has some parts that hint at reenactment. To wit the most famous scene with Abraham Bomba where he is cutting hair while talking about cutting hair.

Congo is actually pretty awesome. It's also much better than the book, which I don't think is true of Jurassic Park.

Was it on purpose or by accident? (That is, if you know.)

While this is essentially a reasonable point, I think there are a lot of people (myself included) who tend to love the unpolished, poorly-recorded alternate versions of stuff so much more than the finished work without the rough edges. There's something really compelling about that sense that it's an unrepeatable

I think @repostedcustomerreviews:disqus may be a "Most Improved Commenter" contestant this year.


@avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus Eh, I think any mucous membrane is at least going to be kind of damp. I mean, that's what "mucous" connotes, right?

No, she fits the classic model of HipsterDBag favorites: blonde, underage looking, and just unattractive enough to have low self esteem but not too much to be kinda pretty.