
I love Calibri.

Really? I remember it from when I was a little kid, at least part of which era was prior to 1994. I was really into the Beach Boys and surf rock in general ages 6-10 though so I could have a totally skewed perspective.

I've mentioned that on here before. That, Drops of Jupiter, Kryptonite, Superman (why this synchronicity of terrible songs, I've often wondered?) are all of a piece to me.

I didn't even know Misirlou was in Pulp Fiction. I mean, I've seen Pulp Fiction albeit not more than once or twice, but it didn't register as something associated with Pulp Fiction, because Misirlou is so iconic in its own right.

You could tape a piece of paper over the bottom of your screen (real, not snarky suggestion - I've done that before to practice Russian).

This drives me so crazy. I can't stand being at someone's house and noticing it's the wrong aspect ratio. (Full disclosure that this was first pointed out to me by someone else a few years ago, but now I see it everywhere.)

I watched The Harder They Come in college with no subtitles so I have no clue what happens in it. My brother was telling me he just watched it with subtitles but apparently they were going in and out (my guess is this was on Netflix, but I have no idea). At some point I'll ask him what it's about, I guess.

I would watch Netflix way more if it had better subtitles. I like watching everything with English subtitles on, but I have found that a lot of the time movies that have some English and some foreign language(s) in them will only have English subtitles during the foreign language(s) and it won't be an option the rest

I went to see Cats with my parents when I was eight on one of our quondam-annual trips to New York City. I LOVED it! I wrote an essay about it for my third grade class.

One of my most embarrassing moments is setting my hair, right half of my eyelashes and right half of my eyebrow on fire lighting a cigarette in an extremely crowded and extremely smoky back room of a dubstep club in Austin. I had a bunch of stuff in my hair and I think that's what made it go up so fast. I put it out

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus Wow, I really expected that to be from the Style section. So funny.

Speaking of cliched review prose, my most recent pet peeve is "Here is [whatever]" in food reviews, to indicate an admiring tone. It drives me crazy. Fortunately I haven't seen it in a while.

That's weird because Cillian Murphy is one of the first image results when you google "gray eyes," counterfactually. (I didn't know who he was except by name before I performed this search yesterday.)

@avclub-6a2ec3076bb494e5c64eb1a422d9fe3d:disqus I really love her show.

I have a couple but I feel like I'm too old for them now. I also decided to quit strapless garments in general because they got so popular. I think others might feel the same way because I read an article a while ago about the hegemony of strapless wedding dresses (note: it may not have actually used the word

Re. 4chan: I had to click through literally four or five pages discussing 4chan's antics until I figured out what was "wrong" with their trying to send Taylor Swift to Horace Mann's School for the Deaf. I spent a good five minutes thinking "Good for 4chan, what's the problem with that?" I don't know if that's more of

I will edit this too to further reduce incidence of confusion!

Here is one of my pieces of advice on dating technique: my best shibboleth for potential dates (both online and in real life) is to mention Diane Rehm. Anyone with a negative opinion of her based on her voice is blacklisted forever.

I don't think I could ever live in a foreign country. I get too homesick, the few times I've been out of the country for an extended period. Whether I could settle permanently somewhere besides the Boston area, I'm not sure. I absolutely love living close to my parents and where I grew up, but there are plenty of

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus Hmm further confirmation of my extremely untested theory! Everyone in my family has blue eyes (mine are the darkest) so they are not very interesting to me.