
@avclub-518aedbf95e34c72567f82fd1ad92f76:disqus That is the best use of a reference to the Ptolemaic system I have ever, ever seen.

Do you have blue eyes? I've always felt like I'm more attracted to guys with dark eyes because it's different from mine and therefore "exotic." I have light eyes (I generally describe them as gray, but I think people are generally better divided into "light" and "dark" eyes than specific colors, except for hazel,

I agree with @avclub-d019eb089e65903455cc52308f00b997:disqus, but to me it's more that saying "innocence" sounds creepy. To me "innocence" at this point in modern society has kind of a creepy sexual context. If he had said something like "I'm concerned about our different backgrounds" I would find it totally different.

@avclub-23cc92585eacb29f4df03ed17e222333:disqus True fact: I read "Aromantic" as "Aromatics" and did not bat an eyelash at what I took to be a reference to a sector of the populace sexually oriented to scents.

Ughhhhhh, not this again. I don't have the time to get into it all over again though.

My dad loves Nellie McKay. Loves. He will speak at great length about how she has the best song about a dog ever written or performed.

Knowing @avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus, he may not see any difference between those two options.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus I don't think there's much intrinsic merit in trying to be "tough enough" for something that leaves you little opportunity for work/life balance and it seems sad that people think of it as "burning out" or not being tough enough or whatever; I'd imagine that in many

@avclub-eaff9f19dbfd5c5a5807b5dbfa656ec9:disqus Those sound like decent enough reasons to me, career-wise. I think the general "Don't go to graduate school!" hysteria is a lot more applicable to arts & sciences than engineering, where there are so many more job prospects and a master's can really get you somewhere.

I don't want to sound presumptuous or anything but maybe the fact that you think that is a question (whether or not being good at work is all you need), not just a given, says something in and of itself.

My biggest laundry pet peeve is people who don't know to separate colors. You can tell. Their clothes always look just slightly dingy.

I've been listening to Siamese Dream and Mellon Collie over and over again at work. (I have Mellon Collie on right now.) I think Cherub Rock is one of the greatest songs of all time.

Yay! That is really exciting! That's definitely the reaction I'd have to "It is so ordered" too :)

It's a good idea if you know exactly what your research interests are and can find a program that matches them (in terms of faculty having compatible interests so you can have an advisor to work closely with), and can either envision an academic career or want to work in an industry where a graduate degree is an asset

Down on Abbey

Is he into it or is he interested by it? I realize that you know a very different subset of the population than I do but I don't know many people who would show porn they actually get off to as a party conversation piece.

Yeah, I have an incredibly irregular period so I could never do that except for actually during my period (which I do).
Studies show it actually works better than people think it does if you have a regular period.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus It's science!

I really like talking to people on the internet, obviously, but I also really value the real world, perhaps more than the average person my age. There's just something irreplaceable about corporeal interactions. Think about it - otherwise all these people who meet on the internet would be content just to talk to each

I think it's due both to anatomy and the types of sexual activity people are more likely to engage in. For example, risk of STI transmission top-to-bottom during anal sex is comparatively high. Risk of STI transmission during oral sex is comparatively low (in both directions I believe?). I don't know very much about